Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Hello, Goodbye Window

My mother-in-law invited the girls to her house for the night, so they took this book with them. It is, after all, about going to grandma's house. Special thanks to Grandmother for helping Rachel and Audrey with their reports for this book.

RJORJBOOKRachel got some help on her spelling from Grandmother. She learned how to spell "favorite," "character" and "happened."
Main character: The little girl and Nanna and Poppy
Setting: Nanna and Poppy's house
Here's what happened: The girl went to her Nanna and Poppy's house.
My favorite part: When Poppy shooted (shot) her with the water house (hose).


Audrey's art here looks a lot like the book!
Main character: Nanna, Poppy, child
Setting: Inside the house
What happened: The girl goes in the kitchen and colors. She listens to Poppy's harmonica and counts the stars.
My favorite part: The girl is coloring.

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