Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Story, a Story

This book was in Audrey's Raising a Reader bag, which she brings home every Friday from pre-K. Wow! A Caldecott book that we didn't have to hunt for at the library!

RJBOOKRachel and Audrey both said they enjoyed the scene with the jungle cat, who the book called Osebo the leopard of-the-terrible-teeth.
Main character: Ananse and Sky God
Setting: The villge (village)
Here's what happened: Ananse wanted the gold box with stories.
My favorite part: When Ananse got the tiger.


Audrey didn't seem to mind the protagonist was called a spider man. He even spun webs too, like a superhero.
Main character: The spider man
Setting: Outside in Africa
What happened: That spider man caught an animal and tied him by his feet. Then he caught the bugs too. Then he caught the fairy. Then he gave them to the sky god. Then the sky god gave the spider man the books.
My favorite part: The spider man caught the animal -- the leopard.

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